Musical terms level 2
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Key terms:
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Here's a complete list of the terms, with definitions, that you should know at this level.
Musical terms
You will need to be familiar with all of these terms at this level. In an exam, you will need to give the exact definition or give the exact spelling, so take care to learn them accurately! Some useful learning tips are given in Learning musical terms.
List of terms
Term | Meaning |
a | to / at / in / by / for, etc. Used in combination with other terms, e.g. a tempo: in time |
alla all' al | to the / at the / in the manner of Used in combination with other terms, e.g. alla marcia: in the manner of a march |
allargando | broadening (getting slower, louder) |
andantino | slightly faster than andante In the 18th century, andantino usually meant slightly slower than andante |
assai | very ( allegro assai: very quick) |
con col | with |
dolce | sweet, soft |
e ed | and |
espressivo espress. espr. | expressive |
fp fortepiano | loud, then immediately quiet |
giocoso | playful, merry, humourous |
grave | very slow, solemn, serious |
grazioso | graceful |
larghetto | rather slow (not as slow as largo) |
largo | slow, stately |
ma | but |
maestoso | majestic |
meno | less |
molto | very, much |
mosso moto | movement Usually used with modifiers meno, con, etc., e.g. meno mosso: less movement (slower), con moto: with movement, più mosso: more movement (faster) |
presto | fast (faster than allegro) |
senza | without |
sf sfz sforzando sforzato | forced, accented |
simile sim. | in the same way ("similarly") |
sostenuto | sustained |
tenuto ten. | held (sustain to the note's full value) |
troppo | too much (non troppo: not too much) |
vivace vivo | lively, quick |
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